Westminster child abuse Inquiry branded a ‘needless and permanent inquisition into the past’
- March 7, 2019
- Chris Saltrese
An Inquiry into historic child sex abuse allegations at Westminster has been branded a “needless and permanent inquisition into the past” by a solicitor who has acted for over 100 defendants who have been wrongly accused – and eventually acquitted – of sexual offences.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) is investigating allegations that a paedophile ring involving senior politicians once operated at Westminster.
Chris Saltrese, Managing Partner at Chris Saltrese Solicitors, believes the investigation is a “national disgrace and should be scrapped without further delay”.
Speaking as hearings began this week, he said:
“IICSA is now entering its 6th year and not only is it costing the country a fortune in legal fees it is entirely misconceived, set up, as it was, at the height of post Savile fantasy that there was, in the past, a paedophile lurking around every corner.
“And, what’s worse, the Inquiry is responsible for a slew of further false allegations of abuse which are leading to miscarriages of justice on a grand scale. IICSA is a needless and permanent inquisition into the past; it is a national disgrace and should be scrapped without further delay.”
Yes. But it is not going away. It’s innocent falsely accused victims continue to increase and suffer. Punished the abusers including those who are liars and mobey-grabbers. Will anyone end this Inquisition and start to do justly? Fraid not.
54 separate police inquiries carried out into conspiracy theories by the Metropolitan Police and IOPC, all involving massive hours of police time, with hundreds of interviews, all concluding that there is no evidence to back up the conspiracy claims. Would these police and criminal justice resources not have been better freed up to be deployed in addressing knife crime?